November 27 Update
Hello, wonderful backers! Sarah here, illustrator for Nicki and Ricky’s Adventures. I’m sending this update from the struggle bus.
The bad news: Despite my greatest efforts, Nicki and Ricky Book 3: The Case of the Toothy Ducks + the hardcover trilogy will *not* be ready in print form before the end of 2023. WHY? A health crisis, a teachers’ strike, and tighter print production deadlines than anticipated (2 whole weeks less!) means I lost almost all of my working days in November. A recovering-perfectionist’s perfect storm of uncontrollable factors – even my famous “leave a buffer” schedule didn’t help this time.
The good news: Books 1 and 2 and the new, expanded workbook WILL be shipping as expected, arriving before Christmas, as will any digital rewards. With just a few more tiny edits to make, we’re very close! ** If you are hoping for books as Hanukkah gifts (Dec 7!!), or another pre-Dec-25 holiday, *please* let me know as soon as you can and I can make sure we mail out whatever we can early and expedited!
EVEN BETTER: For those who haven’t backed us, we’ll have our books available for direct purchase on December 5!
Thank you all for your support, patience, and grace as we navigate the new world of publishing – and I really am excited to get books in your hands.
With gratitude!